Sword of the Stars 2: Weiterer Patch
Mehr Bugs gefixt, noch genügend vorhanden
Wieder ist ein (bitter notwendiger) neuer Patch für Paradox' und Kerberos' 4X-Space Game Sword of the Stars 2 erschienen. Das Update mit der Versionsnumer 17826b behebt vor allem einige Stabilitätsprobleme und fügt endlich auch einen ersten Handelsscreen ein. Dennoch ist das ambitionierte Spiel noch weit von der Fertigstellung entfernt. Wer das Spiel noch nicht besitzt, sollte zumindest auf die Boxed-Version warten, die Ende des Monats erscheint.
Hier ist noch der Original Changelog vom neuesten Patch:
Known Issues
- Drones cannot be designed.
- Many additions to the Defense Manager, which has now been renamed to Battle Manager.
- Fixed a crash with weapons doing half a population damage.
- Fixed a crash with the locust updating its turn.
- Fixed crash in Starmap that could occur when changing between maps in game setup quickly.
- Fixed a crash during saving if using unique extended characters as part of your profile name.
- Fixed a crash associated with the admiral trait True Grit.
- Interaction with COL weapons temporarily disabled while fixing crash in Design Screen.
- Added stance control for ships in formation in combat.
- Re-implemented trade layer.
- Bankruptcy system now in effect.
- Biome-colonizers now active.
- Increased sensor ranges.
- Improved Leviathan class death sequences.
- Fixed a bug where station upkeep was not being deducted from savings.
- Fixed a bug where prototype costs were not being applied to savings.
- Fixed some issues with misnamed event images.
- Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping fleets could in some cases duplicate them.
- The game will now only keep the most recent set of log files. Old copies will be automatically deleted.
- Improvements and a handful of fixes made to the meteor shower random encounter.
- Fixed an issue that allowed trade points to be reused in a trade round.
- Made some optimizations to the gathering of planet/system data for the budget.
- Made some optimizations to the gathering of data for players with combat assets.
- Fixed an issue where weapons and modules could display with incorrect materials.
- Swapped battlerider reserve and wing/squad slots to make use clearer.
- Added tooltips to rider squad/wing/reserve buttons.
- Added trade view overlay elements to star map drawing, first pass.
- Combat entrance transition now active.
- Added improved visual cues when dropping into and out of accelerated time in combat.
- Fixed a variety of issues with battle rider behavior in combat.
- Fixed incorrect asteroid monitor locations in combat.
- Fixed broken images in the encyclopedia.
- Tweaked stats of engine sections.
- Removed items in the Starmap Lobby will no longer remain selected.
- Fixed an issue where double the number of riders were being loaded into combat.
- Fixed an issue where riders would detonate instead of returning to tender.
- Fixed an issue where mounted riders could prevent ships from rotating.
- Tweaks to many ship sections, stations, weapons and related art.
- New politics section added to encyclopedia.
- Added new star maps: Wave (3) and Big Disc (8)
- Added player details to the server browser.
- Added trade view filter to the star map.
Nachricht veröffentlicht am 14.11.2011 | Kommentare (0)
Tags: Patch, Sword of the Stars II